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[英文] 晨读美文品析:The Magic Pebbles 神奇的鹅卵石

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晨读美文品析:The Magic Pebbles 神奇的鹅卵石* S; K; z! p" e: E, {& F: u( r
, A6 ?/ k+ \+ _% o
  Why do we have to learn all of this dumb stuff?" Of all the complaints and questions I have heard from my students during my years in the classroom,this was the one most frequentlyuttered.I would answer it by recounting the following legend.
) A7 K  x0 M8 }; U' |& t  “为什么我们非要学这些没用的东西呢?”这是在我多年教书生涯中听得最多的学生们的抱怨与质疑。然后我就会给他们讲下面这个故事。, h! B4 Y8 e* g9 X3 C* n" e
  One night a group of nomads were going to sleep when suddenly they were surrounded by a great light.They knew they were in the presenceof God.A voice spoke finally,"Gather as many pebbles as you can.Put them in your saddle bags.Travel a day's journey and tomorrow night will find you glad and it will find you sad."( a; i, U/ B/ @2 x$ A' l8 g
  有一天晚上,一群游牧民正要睡去的时候,忽然北一全要颜色光芒所包围。他们知道神就要出现了。神终于说话了:“尽量多捡一些鹅卵石,放在你们的马褡子里。再走一天,到明天晚上,你们将同时体会到快乐和沮丧。”: l% M" g/ {8 \6 U+ M- q
  The nomads were disappointed and angry-the task made no sense to them at all.However,the memory of the brilliance of their visitor caused each one to pick up a few pebbles.
" r9 [; ?& }) E1 ~  神消失后,牧民们有失望又愤怒,议论纷纷。神让他们去做的事竟如此无聊.但是不管怎样,方才神现身的灵光令人敬畏,他们仍旧各自捡了一些鹅卵石。6 ?4 F! N; N6 q/ ?/ C* \* k& ~  E
  They traveled a day's journey.At night they searched their saddle bags and discovered every pebble had become a diamond.They were glad they had diamonds.They were sad they not gathered more.
" o0 o  m8 A9 g- F* w0 \# f  他们又走了一天。当夜幕降临,他们查看自己的马褡子,发现每一颗鹅卵石都变成了钻石。得到钻石他们很高兴,同时也懊悔没有捡更多的鹅卵石。' J* D. q: \6 ~) \- o
  It was an experience I had with a student,Alan.' C  C6 [4 G, i& {; N4 C
  我和一个名叫艾伦的学生就有过这样的经历。# u# T7 O7 r% i0 b. F' Z- P8 R0 |
  When Alan was in the eighth grade,his master's in "trouble".He had studied how to be a bully and was getting his master's in "thievery".  k- P- k) `% P/ X8 S
  那时,艾伦正读8年级,他调皮捣蛋,不仅常常欺凌弱小,更是个偷窃高手。& x' z  j: W8 Q4 O3 _! g
  Every day I had my students memorize a quotation from a great thinker.No one complained about this daily routinemore than Alan- right up to the day he was expelled and I lost touch with him.Then one day,he called.He told me that after being sent to juvenile hall,he had because so disgusted with himself that he had cue his wrists.$ R0 p5 B( f# a: n8 a' C5 [# D4 R
; _" q) v; j6 l  He said,"As I lay there with my life running out of my body,I suddenly remembered that dumb quote you mad me write 20 times one day.'There is no failure except in no longer trying.'Then it suddenly made sense to me.As long as I was alive,I wasn't a failure,but if I allowed myself to die,I called for help and started a new life."9 \. {5 Q  ]& H* R, V
  他说:“当我躺在那儿,感觉着生命正逐渐离我远去,我忽然想到有一天你曾经叫我写了20遍的那句无聊格言:‘没有所谓失败,除非你不再尝试。’那一刻,我突然明白了他的含义。只要我活着,就不能算失败;但是如果我让自己死了,那么我就真的永远失败地死去了。于是我竭尽残存的力气求救,并且开始了新生活。”# p3 J* e: S' l( `( ?
  When he had heard the quotation,it was a pebble.When he needed guidance in a moment of crisis,it became a diamond.So,gather all the pebbles you can,and you can count on a future filled with diamonds.0 t! @4 W2 t; h# d
8 c. q7 E/ L4 _+ u6 {2 G
/ J3 B: t3 ?9 B$ T1 B7 O


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