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- 2007-1-20
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- 1970-1-1
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age有年龄; 时代; 老年等意思,那么你知道age的近义词有哪些吗?: d& A1 B/ K4 ?
+ Z ^# c G1 e( w, E" k: R" \* e9 D age近义词:
, D: S" ?* N" j: V6 o+ o9 \" X* L age, epoch, era, period, times
* a/ f2 B5 o" y$ k) X- P ~ age近义词辨析:8 j, g8 ]% Y$ y9 E8 n( F; {6 o% e( V
这些名词均含"时期,时代"之意。1 F2 G- B6 T( M. j+ S2 K
age 常指具有显著特征或以某杰出人物命名的历史时代或时期。* I6 F6 h9 s7 S3 c0 B1 c$ x' i# e
epoch 正式用词,侧重指以某重大事件或巨大变化为起点的新的历史时期。
: j6 I& S X9 q7 t0 c; j3 R/ M era 书面语用词,指历史上的纪元、年代,可与epoch和age互换,侧重时期的延续性和整个历程。 b* Z: e# i7 ]# u7 z7 M. L! Q# v
period 最普通用词,概念广泛,时间长短不限,既可指任何一个历史时期,又可指个人或自然界的一个发展阶段。
! [- G/ t( r; o+ ]: y( z; G% P times 侧重某一特定时期。7 J( s+ N4 t: l: ~
/ F& ~4 t8 U' W9 ~% ~8 m 1. Beauty is an attitude. It has nothing to do with age./ y z9 M' E$ O2 U& p7 d
美是一种态度,与年龄无关。# h# G3 s2 B0 M' g
2. He knew what he wanted to do from the age of 14.9 e; d# e5 f$ C' U
他14岁起就知道自己日后干什么了。$ B" Q: m, U6 s# x- k0 ?$ _8 e1 N
3. In some cases there is a mini-mum age limit. D Q" b/ h) i9 G7 q
! W' z; B4 k4 V) c" n, q o 4. In his old age he became a benefactor of the arts.
) y; U1 u& s! ? 他晚年成了一个艺术赞助人。
/ ~. h5 [$ a- s' F7 A 5. He died in a nursing home at the age of 87.
( p' n+ E: T2 s6 f( g$ ^+ U/ f 他在一家养老院去世,享年87岁。2 O. {0 ^* _, G
6. Few jockeys continue race-riding beyond the age of 40.) h a+ i/ r4 y; p' k1 z' M i9 f1 `
1 @9 x0 D# A5 Y6 _ Z; z. Q 7. It infected them with some of the magic of a lost age.: I6 u+ O7 d- D; G
逝去的岁月让他们平添了几分魅力。! H; p! Z, C% n( L& |* v
8. At 84, John feels his age precludes too much travel.- F8 _. i% x7 n: Y/ {/ x N2 Z
84岁的约翰感到自己年事已高,不能进行太多的旅行。, {6 F9 w8 q8 C8 T
9. He started piano lessons at the age of 7.
. @5 O/ W5 M/ P( R 他7岁开始上钢琴课。
( g2 B- H5 [1 M( z* `# w- M* K 10. When I was your age I walked five miles to school.7 _* E% l/ D" T& r/ q ?) X
, Z* Y( s; [. C J) o$ p& G 11. I'm only 5ft tall, and I look younger than my age.& |- M1 A. t7 `0 w3 f
我才5英尺高,显得比实际年龄小。- _& N! v, _5 q& ^0 c
12. Men tend to put on weight in middle age.$ r8 p% T) Q0 B5 [/ A
男人到了中年往往会发福。) {3 c" V& C4 m" U; B
13. She's indexed the book by author, by age, and by illustrator.
1 X9 i) r- b6 q 她根据作者、年龄和插图画家分别为该书编了索引。$ Y* O) i5 m7 H6 G: J9 f; @
14. All kids her age do silly things; it's nothing to worry about.
8 R1 J3 B7 j! m- a" n 她这个年龄的孩子都会做傻事,根本不用担心。
0 u) L' z2 N- M, K" ? 15. Hay fever is an affliction which arrives at an early age.
2 q4 f1 g" k, D4 f& ^ 枯草热是年纪较小时会患的一种病。# M8 q) O+ V# j M# f* T
: F/ G- G: y' ~ |