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[英文] 英国旅游必备英语口语

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1、英语词汇:4 g) M5 h, ~! e8 W
  1.impress v.给予深刻印象  i9 `$ F0 T4 Z
  By the way, what do you think has impressed you most in London?! }0 }8 z! F* b5 w* `) u
+ D! g0 V' x1 r* O9 x- F3 V  2.near prep.靠近* K6 R5 E- e' V8 I) Q, L
  We are getting near to Trafalgar Square now.- Z: O0 V- v) g" q
5 M$ a4 w" \! M! j& m  同义词:about2 ]# ~; G% i; [3 x6 G7 j
  3.junction n.连接,交叉点8 \$ E; l0 |2 v! h2 h
  lt's a busy road junction with Nel-son's statue.- H2 |# l3 W( ^5 Z5 G# Z
  这是一个热闹的交叉路口,有尊纳尔逊的纪念铜像。* g/ s9 n( b. ?' n: W
  同义词:connection) b. a/ [9 P$ J# P
  4.admiral n.海军上将! N5 I0 t: @! p1 Q7 M7 G
  He's the admiral that defeatedNapoleon.4 S0 D3 N% w$ `8 ], s+ z; r/ p
4 j! t4 P) B% T' Y  同义词:general- w  c0 ]( p- q+ E0 T( P# k! \; |* J
  5.embankment n.堤岸,路基: S9 T0 l* s4 i7 `0 `2 j/ K' f: o
  If you like,we can take a walk on the embankment.$ u* ~2 d' H' R: m# X
  如果你乐意,我们可以在堤岸卜散步。4 \& F2 \% a3 r" d
- V+ T" m+ F$ b" R( w
  6.statue n.雕像,塑像4 V+ |4 R$ c0 d/ ?6 J
  We can walk down the mall which is wide and clean with quite a number of beautiful statues,# x5 u4 k9 w- j) H9 t+ j
  我们可以从林阴大道走下去。这条路宽阔又干净,还有几尊美丽的铜像。! f- l# v$ N; A9 W. p' x/ I  ]
  7.center n.中心,核心
' S) s! `# E" t5 f6 F  It's interesting that as a financial center London looks so different from New York.& A6 q4 T& H2 K& _' [- o
3 C( N) C1 z# E1 y7 H  8.deep adj.深的,深沉的
" h4 P& Y3 D0 E7 B4 c1 x% F  There are so many things that have left a deep impression on me.( o- n/ t" N& g6 I- B- X# N
  许多东西都给我留下了深刻的印象。$ H% \0 @" M0 F- ^
  反义词:shallow$ S: h) [: [# Q& N
  9.peculiar adj.奇怪的,特殊的
* m  S) ]' F% \  Although the buildings here seem old-fashioned,they have a peculiar flavor of their own.
, D/ U" H( a8 O# \* J  虽然伦敦的建筑物看上去都是老式的,但它们独具风格。$ Z4 u, N5 v7 [
  10.pleasant adj.令人愉快的9 B' U  [+ u; S% {. S( E$ L% V3 s
  It's so pleasant to have a walk there.
5 e2 {" ?( ]; i. H  在那儿漫步真令人心旷神怡。1 _9 B$ j3 ~  \
  反义词:unpleasant" `6 n4 _* K3 `8 s4 F$ a
  2、英语短语:8 Q/ O7 i  b1 W5 T- @
  1.House of Parliament 议会大厦
. K: |( B! y- K  2.Clock tower 钟楼
4 [$ v7 v4 S3 Q  J  3.refer to 涉及& w( o# @- \1 e9 }5 g
  4.air raid 空袭, Q: S& y+ K% x% W
  5.minute hand 分针
* J# I  A3 O. L8 e, G  6.second hand 秒针
: I. V$ y5 O- L! P  7.in session 在开会
, w( K3 O" u" g) }; I  8.at the stroke of midnight 钟敲午夜12点6 d; {* Q% t% N  F! _6 S/ p  Q1 Q
  9.New year's Eve 新年前夜,除夕
, h2 ^. ?+ M9 }+ l- C. K  10.take a rotating holiday 轮休
5 i8 R. W% n; L6 k$ f' R' i, Z  11.be fed up with 感到厌烦6 K, A( b# `/ {6 j8 x
  12.free of charge 免费的3 P! q4 P7 T8 s- F* o* K$ j1 X! N
  13.date back to 回溯至% E9 R" m) V+ M9 Z  d
  14.in storage 在仓库里: `; j: ~1 y' n# y5 a* l! s/ Z9 b
  15.on loan 借出+ M8 x0 r( ]+ ^! `& ?* l$ ?1 V0 B
  16.on vacation 度假' C  o5 i# R. ?" [& J6 ~
  17.cannon ball 炮弹- X: U2 W5 P$ U8 l" K
  18.3-D effect 三维效果
- ^8 x& S4 ~# `  19.must-see 不可错过的东西
: k6 s% L* Q' W  `  20.cartoon character 卡通人物
. U& N. v4 u, f, {  3、英语对话:% ^, q. |3 n4 u4 [- S* y
  情境对话1" o0 X8 Z% O* M. f$ b
  Vicky:Hi,could you please recommend some interesting one-day tours?I would like to join one.9 y7 g" G, ]7 D( a9 m. B" X% d
  维奇:您好,我想参加一日游。请问你可以介绍一些好玩的行程吗?/ J6 s" ]0 e' ~! ?7 U
  Receptionist:How about the Regal One-Day Tour?It includes Westminster Abbey,Buckingham Patace,the Tower of London and the London Eye.
+ E) G) }7 T% A. X+ R4 q: |  接待员:皇家一日游,游览威斯敏斯特教堂、白金汉宫飞伦敦塔以及摩天轮“伦敦之眼”,如何?
1 v* K: p& R  J4 e; v+ s  Vicky:Sounds perfect.How much is it?# V* i/ [* l8 w2 m3 N
! k. R% B9 Q7 v4 D. x6 z# [3 A$ z  Receptionist:Fifty pounds for 1 person.% V# [0 r6 T. V1 v
  接待员:一人50英镑。7 O6 ~( g, w0 l) b
  Vicky:I see How about Lunch? Do you provide it?: l$ [$ m3 R: w$ V. S2 f
  维奇:这样。那你们会提供午餐吗?  B! c; o7 n% q! v
  Receptionist:I am afraid not.But you can have lunch at the Tower.There are lots of restaurants and cafes nearby.We stop there for one hour., f9 V9 N% T( J- {1 ^
  接待员:很抱歉不提供。不过您可以在铁塔那里吃午餐,那附近有很多餐厅和咖啡厅。我们会在那里休息几个小时。- q6 u; y) U% o8 Z4 l
  Vicky:Right.What's the schedule?( O, l+ Q# _' G$ w/ c$ W( l+ ~
  维奇:好,那行程是么排呢?; o- Y) |2 r' q, |3 K
  Receptionist:We leave for Westminster Abbey at 8:00 a.m. and get back to the London Eye at 15 in the afteroon.% E, X/ |/ m0 \8 b0 `" s
# q3 b* X% U% S7 T  Vicky:Great Can you pick me up at my hotel?3 l3 l/ S' x* x& v. b! L
  维奇:那好。请问你们可以到我住的饭店接我吗?2 q$ A9 p- J1 K; _$ B; Q0 w+ D
  Receptionist:Where are you staying?9 ]5 w1 g; v8 ?8 P
9 O4 Y. B# h& z  Vicky:At the Holiday lnn on Liverpool Street.
8 Q. m' ?1 }0 |+ }. p8 m! e; y  维奇:利物浦街的假日酒店。8 ^2 s/ J0 ]( l+ I+ [
  Receptionist:That will be no probtem.We'll pick you up at 7:3O a.m.Just be sure to be waiting,for us outside the hotel on time.
- I9 m! E! y( q; Y6 u  接待员:没问题,我们会在早上7:30去接您,只是请务必准时在饭店外面等我们。
8 n1 t& g% m  m9 K! A  Vicky:OK.Thanks.See you tomorrow moming.$ g+ m4 N7 J. @
  维奇:我会的,谢谢你。明天早上见。- J" L, t) {/ f: ]2 [
  情境对话25 b! ?6 A2 @1 n2 C% A$ u7 {, W+ W$ K& L
  Jill:Welcome to the British Museum.How may I help you?
! k& F8 ]: \. z. l" H9 E  姬儿!欢迎光临大英博物馆。.有什么可以为您服务的吗?
) s2 {; F8 Q4 K: i# ~+ D  Rex:This is the first time I've been to the museum.Could you please give me some ideas about where to start?+ O: k8 ^. C) g; @4 X0 b
' a6 m$ J4 I( O1 ^  Jill:Sure.As you probably know, we have many great collections and exhibits.Which ones you see depends on that you're interested in. Right now, we have a special exhibit on the mummy. lt's a graat way to leam more about the mummies, the pyramids and Egyptian history. Maybe you would like to start there.
; ~$ J, @$ Y1 \6 N3 G# V; r  姬儿:没问题。本馆有大量的馆藏与展览--这您大概知道。而您想参观哪方面的展览,则依个人兴趣选择。’本馆目前有一项木乃伊的特展,是了解木乃伊、金字及埃及历史的绝佳途径,您或许想从这项展览看起。" e: B% ^4 Q- H+ @1 Z
  Rex:Sounds fascinating.By the way,can I take photos inside?. U/ g4 h* v- n- n4 p3 q" T
  瑞克斯:听起来让人很心动。对了,可以在里面拍照吗?! `3 H2 h( o1 t" @5 {
  Jill:I am afraid not. All our exhibits must be carefully protected, so photography is not permitted.You will see a souvenir shop at the end of the tour.We hav replicas of almost every item in every exhibit.You can also get postcards, guidebooks,key chains and toys. Poopleloye them.
  k/ x+ B& m6 O  姬儿:很抱歉不能。本馆所有的展品须谨慎保护,所以不允许拍照。您在参观后会看到一处纪念品贩售处,绝大多数的展览仿制品都可以在这里买到,您还可以买到明信片、导游手册、钥匙圈和玩具等东西,这些都广受欢迎。
. A, W1 V) W+ k1 Y* ^0 o" A2 F  Rex:Thank you very much.I have a much clearer idea now.
( B% u) {) \9 g2 @) X( u% {  瑞克斯:好,非常感谢。我现在比较清楚了。
3 L- V1 B7 c+ t( {# Y' M! L, z* Z  Jill:You are welcome.I hope you enjoy our colledctions.
2 r' M6 t% O$ A& I  姬儿:不客气。祝您参观愉快。
; F" v; F/ e0 v; E7 k. j5 C
, H8 g8 y, T0 ~( Q  q


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