- 註冊時間
- 2007-1-20
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- 小時
- 米币
- 最後登錄
- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:392 天 連續簽到:1 天
准备旅游情景对话:时间计划. b) [% d$ K0 z
A:I thought you said we were going to stay three days in Chicago.8 b5 z/ b Q, U2 s& [3 U
A:你说我们在芝加哥要待三天的。5 W& x/ O$ M+ n7 S4 f) l, G
B: We are. It's two nights In the hotel. July 3rd and 4th, but three days altogether.
W3 Q2 e- W4 h' p% @2 T% N6 f$ h B:是三天。在旅馆住两夜,7月3号和4号,但总共是三天。
. n7 E- c8 {2 ?8 n/ g6 }& f7 n" R A:I see. We arrive early on the third, and we leave at 11: 30 p.m. on the fifth.
* Z2 B0 d$ u6 D A:明白了。我们是3号一大早到,5号夜里11:30走。
- f1 d* Z/ c4 ]) V# T C: That's correct. As you see, I've made reservations for you on the night train to New York on the fifth. You’ll have two sleeping berths.
* s' \, P2 Z; f) V) m C:对。你们看,我为你们预订了5号夜里的火车票去纽约。你们有两个卧铺。
+ m1 z$ x7 B5 D: Y* u" U B: So it is really a full day on the fifth.
* l, }8 R& ^5 T% J! f B:所以5号有一整天时间。7 P8 M* t8 F# R8 B/ h
C: Plenty of time for shopping and sightseeing. You''ll even have enough time for a show in the evening because the train station is near the theater district.1 m$ F2 k2 }9 ]( C
( k* }* A( r. }" |, p f8 J A:I think that''ll work out fine.I hope I’ll be able to sleep on the train.
6 |/ ]9 ~ h5 a3 e( P p7 I+ ~ A:我看这个安排很好。希望在火车上我能睡着。
- e5 T. A% n$ ]( o1 R1 a 准备旅游情景对话:了解天气$ g6 z3 D; U' G
A: You don't look very well.
( x- c* W( ?# q5 A8 L9 t A:你的脸色不太好。7 j7 k! N9 q0 S& r/ }% W' M
B: I'm not feeling too well. I've caught a cold.
: c5 c- B: @3 b% M+ G2 Y! r B:我觉得不太舒服,我感冒了。
* Q/ |8 q1 e0 n4 a# f" t A: Is it because of the bad weather? It's been really miserable tor the past tew days.% {5 `; c3 h. v
A:你是因为天气不好病了吗?这几天的天气真让人受不了。; ~/ Z: @" \9 z
B: Hasn't it!It's been cold and windy recently.Do you like the weather here?
& @" H u4 k, d# e B:可不是嘛!最近很冷,风又大。你喜欢这儿的天气吗?" L: ~6 `( V0 z. b r
A: Not really, but I've got used it now.
1 M5 K! w% K. J A:不太喜欢,但是我已经习惯了。; `4 n, q: P1 e8 I4 ?* Z
B: Oh,I'm going for a trip New York this autumn. What's the weather like in New York?6 v0 q) ^; k4 i# W, W
' i1 d, Y7 G' K0 z0 g; r2 ?4 P; d A: Not quite good. It's windy and dry. We have got continental climate there. It's dry all theyear round. Usually autumn is the best season of the year In New York.+ ~* L: r& ]7 x7 M7 O) b9 l
A:天气不很好,风多又干燥。那里是大陆性气候,终年干燥。秋天通常是纽约一年中最好的季节。2 N8 o c1 q4 o. s! s
B: Is it cold in autumn there? Should I take any warm clothes with me?
9 d' }8 j' h1 D+ O7 c4 N B:那儿的秋天很冷吗?我需要带很多保暖衣服吗?0 d. |4 x5 Y: n- E& S
A: No,it isn't very cold at that time. You'll only need some light wool clothing with somejackets and shirts.
% k# f; ]2 m) H) S0 J& w* C& P( g4 R2 u A:不用,那时不会太冷。你只需带些毛衣,加上几件外套和衬衣就行了。/ }! Y3 f0 j8 u' v; }$ ^
准备旅游情景对话:路线规划/ I7 K2 M7 q) ]9 I2 ?" S5 l
A: Are you going anywhere for your vacation?
* Z; B1 @6 D4 N A:这次你们打算去度假吗?
! Y* g6 J3 s; E" r) b B: Yes, we're making plans for a tour.. V5 G. i) x, e Q
B:是的,我们正计划旅行。4 \% U0 |; T% {8 c2 M+ [6 e
A: That'll be lovely Where are you going?; n v+ O, g) d: Y# |3 t
A:那太好了。你们准备去哪儿?! N) ~5 z; y: ~! v
B: Well start out from Long Island this Friday. We've planned a four day drive to Salt Lake City, where we’ll join my brother and his family on his fortieth birthday., t- B7 n& a: l, O
8 u; u5 X; l% B& o$ Y- H1 J0 m5 A& J A: Well, you've got to prepare a lot of food and enough sleeping bags then.* F* X% u. z* z2 H/ d& i6 B
' X# R& T5 R& [. s B: Oh, we'll spend the nights in hotels and enjoy local food as we pass by. How does it sound, David?( ~; h; o. z1 \! A" f
. { d+ v3 X8 \" V2 v" I A: It sounds good. You can do a lot of sightseeing, too.
! D! n' F" I) d A:太好了,这样你们也可沿途观光。
8 W3 }4 B# q& ~1 P6 r B: Yes, we'll take our time And we'll go to Five-lake Strict and the Wall Street.7 x$ F; I! |, q5 p* {
B:是的,我们心情游览,我们也计划去五大湖区和华尔街。) T) B! P# w" c7 ^, z/ a* }
A: So, you're going to have a really nice vacation.) f8 Z' |9 c/ j
! C* I# e' Q6 m5 f B: You can say that again.% ]; J9 r3 C% k) p
! ?' S4 ?0 l' C/ ?% n; X 准备旅游情景对话:花销预算3 B0 w* y; a, z, L$ N$ N
A: Judy, have you ever made out how much money shall we spend?
2 f- K4 {6 [7 V! \, X4 X A:朱迪,你已经算出来我们要花多少钱了吗?
# ^! q8 s3 i1 m! Q6 v B: Oh, yeah. The total amount is no less than 13.000 RMB, according to our itinerary.
, h$ a7 i/ ~2 {# X( [. F5 t B:噢,是的。李,根据我们的行程宋看,总数不会少于1 3000元。
" H. s1 X7 q; P. K3 z y! S6 s- ^ A: What? That's too much.9 ?/ O, t; U! y- t
A:什么?这么多!7 d7 y8 P/ {, ^9 V# Y0 P
B: Sit down.I'll show you the list of our financial budget. First of all, it is nearly 4,000 RMB that we should spend in transportation./ J! b, C+ m* ]* N' h* X: V
B:先坐下吧。我给你看看我们的预算清单。首先,我们在交通上要花将近4000元。( t: Y* J8 ^5 o; W
A: Ah, the transportation fee always takes a great part in the budget.2 ^- U4 Q3 |0 c! W0 Y+ K0 m. G! G
A:啊,交通费在预算中总会占很大一部分。5 H. X' _; G& B# p- i4 T9 i
B: Then we must pay a large amount of money for the hotel. But if we want to save money, we can choose a hotel which is not so good.8 P" M; V/ h0 Q
B:然后我们住丰旅馆要花一大笔钱。如果想省钱,我们可以不选择这么好的旅馆。- B3 Z0 u7 I" T' w* {! L
A: Hmm, what I'm fearful of is that the accommodation will also deteriorate once we choose a cheaper hotel.3 h$ q9 H# ^/ \) w/ |6 p
2 b0 A5 L! q4 @3 A B: In that case, we can choose the Youth Hotel. It's a good choice, clean and economic.( q5 h3 g- G: L w; M
B:这样的话,我们可以选择青年旅馆。那是一个不错的选择,干净又经济。: @+ b8 |. d# a- H- }. m8 m% i
: m" g' u3 l6 K' ]% a) d; R+ d* t |