- 註冊時間
- 2007-1-20
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- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:392 天 連續簽到:1 天
' ^. Z. [4 Y; u+ X; {) T. E* g+ m; ]$ o9 k6 \% g ?# k
In preparation for the biggest sporting event tohave hit London in many years, the city is gettinginventive。
0 Q( }' U$ E5 @4 |- R7 b 多年来,为了准备伦敦要举办的最大的体育赛事,这座城市正变得越来越富有创造力。: I) C0 J* \. B# {
Bin men and road sweepers are being turned intotour guides, trained to provide customer service andto offer pocket-sized maps to visitors who have noidea where they are。' J5 |' L+ s4 `; r+ ]
* Y- L) X/ f) F% [- I5 E. \ "Our street sweepers and bin men are some of the friendliest faces in town. So much so,that as well as keeping the city clean, they often become the unofficial tour guides for London,"said councilor Ed Argar, cabinet member for city management and transport。8 v/ g( `7 k3 ?4 S- r M. k
“我们的马路清洁工和垃圾清理工是城里最友好的人群之一。他们简直太友好了,除了保持城市的整洁之外,他们还经常变为伦敦的非正式导游,” 负责城市管理和交通的内阁成员Ed Argar议员说。+ T: V+ T6 L2 Z5 [' @
And one entrepreneurial cabbie is hoping to offset a loss in earnings due to Olympic-oriented traffic restrictions, by converting his taxi into a hotel。1 A$ W, M' Q1 ^6 D
2 L7 Q% A8 v6 G- o; m) ]# x. Y5 y9 Z/ G
David Weekes, a full-time cab driver has transformed his iconic black cab into a hotel forone, available to rent for £50 (US$78.50) a night。4 n9 K- y. d5 j( K! Q6 h0 U* k1 E
David Weekes是一名全职出租车司机,他已经将自己那辆标志性的黑色出租车改装成了一件单人旅馆,每晚50英镑(折合78.5美元)就可以租到。
2 _: r7 h; k0 U. e8 \" x% d2 F4 i The taxi comes with a "memory foam" mattress, pillow, duvet, a bedside lamp and aPaddington Bear teddy。! c5 H0 f- H6 S5 q
, u7 a9 v _9 P( E7 f2 N: L, I It also offers a solar-powered fridge, a radio, an iPad and camping chairs and a portabletable on request。
' J$ P5 n& [/ q* J$ O3 k/ D; g 根据顾客的要求,它还可以提供太阳能电冰箱、收音机、苹果平板电脑、轻便折叠椅和便携桌子。
) U5 \# J. \3 V9 p But Weekes does have two rules: no smoking and no pets。) I ?! V, v; E3 X5 N" ^
' V2 y. V8 j1 D E' b Weekes hopes to make "a few hundred pounds" from his initiative, and says it offersvisitors a true local perspective on London。/ e. O- R! A L+ `. k( Q5 q& Y
Weekes希望能够从他的这个计划中赚个“几百英镑”,还说它能够给游客们提供一个真实的当地视角来看伦敦。& W0 z K3 H f* e/ Q3 t Z
"I'm offering the authentic London experience -- I know this city like the back of my handso I can give you knowledge that you may not get from staying in a normal hotel room. It’sdefinitely different -- not many people can claim to have slept overnight in a black cab," hesaid。
* X! Y1 T2 S" e0 e7 e: P" L; L “我正为人们提供真正的伦敦体验——我很熟悉这座城市,如同熟悉我自己的手背一样,因此我能给你一些或许你住在普通宾馆不会了解的知识。这确实与众不同:没有多少人有曾在黑色出租车里过夜的经历,”他说。# V7 r6 G2 e# H' g& l7 y' o
Guests will be left alone in the evenings and will have to tidy up in the morning so Weekescan go to work。
3 C) K# {6 @+ E& j# [2 N" G 旅客们晚上会独自呆在车里,早上起来后则需要稍稍整理一下,以便Weekes可以开始工作。
: Z! y: F7 |! X! d9 V) L7 Y The cab can be left anywhere the guest wishes, as long as it is a legally permissible area.Outside Weekes' house is also a possible option, where the bathroom would be easilyaccessible。8 f( [1 F9 R8 |5 x
这辆出租车可以根据客人的意愿停在任何地方,只要是合法停车区域即可。停在Weekes的家门外也是一种选择,这样去洗手间就很方便了。& K* a8 X: C: G5 ?# y% F J
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