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[英文] 旅游英语阅读:走近历史悠久的哈佛

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旅游英语阅读:走近历史悠久的哈佛9 n4 A$ @2 Y/ q) h+ U

' E; t" T; D  A; U  1、哈佛概况& z% w! H0 Q: r3 d4 N3 ?( C
  Harvard University is devoted to excellence inteaching, learning, and research, and to developingleaders in many disciplines who make a differenceglobally. Harvard faculty are engaged with teachingand research to push the boundaries of humanknowledge. For students who are excited toinvestigate the biggest issues of the 21st century,Harvard offers an unparalleled student experienceand a generous financial aid program, with over $160 million awarded to more than 60% ofour undergraduate students.
  e( d0 s- J( p  哈佛大学致力于在教育、学习和研究上追求卓越,并且在全球范围内在多学科上培养领袖。哈佛教职员工在教学和科研领域努力推动人类知识的拓展。对于有兴趣研究二十一世纪最重要问题的学生来说,哈佛大学提供了无与伦比的学生经历和丰厚的奖学金项目。超过百分之六十的学生获得了总额超过一亿六千万美元的资助。- t+ i: f5 D; V" m& F
  2、哈佛历史* o8 W/ o) D7 ?! G0 h0 V3 d$ q# W' J' s
  Established in 1636, Harvard is the oldest institution of higher education in the UnitedStates. The University, which is based in Cambridge and Boston, Massachusetts, has anenrollment of over 20,000 degree candidates, including undergraduate, graduate, andprofessional students. Harvard has more than 360,000 alumni around the world.. I. ?. p9 J# @
5 d! Y, I' k6 }0 q
# S6 ^* |% q5 J' T- R9 e  3、哈佛学生
* g/ C" o8 \3 j: i, g. m7 F0 m  Harvard College’s diverse student populationmakes it hard to describe the typical student andeven harder to describe the quintessential Harvardstudent experience. Students come from all 50states and from over 80 countries; from cities,suburbs, small towns and farms; from public, privateand parochial schools; from every ethnic andreligious background; and from across the economicspectrum." E& w. u) ?6 m) i$ O
  哈佛本科生学院多元化的生源使得我们很难去描绘出一个典型的学生形象,更不要说一个标准的哈佛学生的经历。学生来自美国所有五十个州和超过八十个国家,包括城市与郊区、小镇和农场,曾就读于公立、私立和教会学校,拥有着各种种族、宗教和经济背景。1 ^4 d1 z1 Z. I: ^0 O1 T" Q
  4、住宿餐饮5 A+ b0 x! o* G( ^
  The housing system at Harvard is designed to create a full collegiate experience for all fouryears of undergraduate education. As freshmen, students live in one of the dormitories inHarvard Yard, a prime location, and eat in the historic Annenberg dining hall.After their firstyear at Harvard, students are placed into one of the 12 houses on campus and continue to livethere for the remainder of their residential life at Harvard. Over ninety-seven percent ofHarvard undergrads choose to live on campus for all four years.
7 s7 H5 E4 N  F. u' a  哈佛的住宿体系是为了给学生在本科四年中创造一个全面的学生经历。作为一个新生,学生住在位置极佳的哈佛园内的一个宿舍中,并在历史悠久安娜堡食堂用餐。在第一年之后,学生将被安排在校园内的十二个宿舍中,并在那里度过其剩余的哈佛生活。超过百分之九十七的哈佛本科生选择在校园内住满四年。
, T9 D: M# ~7 o$ I" h. u  5、学生生活7 h; z. Y7 d( Q7 B8 Z- ?
  With over 400 official student organizationsincluding extra-curriculars and athletic opportunitiesin addition to academics, Harvard students areactive around and beyond campus. Whether inHarvard Stadium playing on the field or cheering onThe Harvard Crimson, volunteering throughorganizations, researching in one of the many labs,writing or editing at The Harvard Crimson or TheHarvard Lampoon, Harvard students are continuouslylearning — and constantly busy!  r7 F& q$ H6 W5 m
8 C; d2 }) i% U+ R: g5 p! l( T  6、学术设置, M# K0 n4 ^' o7 j
  Harvard University is made up of 11 principal academic units – ten faculties and theRadcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. The ten faculties oversee schools and divisions thatoffer courses and award academic degrees.1 E! |- F2 B1 I9 j4 l1 Z3 O
3 P  N/ _) Z/ M4 k2 Q# n
" W, }" F: t+ Z


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