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[英文] 旅游英语阅读:全球最热的十大旅游城市

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旅游英语阅读:全球最热的十大旅游城市+ ]8 Z4 D8 g. O
2 \2 {% x& |9 R; M3 f! H6 |
  1. Kuwait City, Kuwait 科威特城 科威特
9 s* w: J9 l; `. \- i  The average temperature this city is 46.9 °C. Best time to visit the city is during March, April, October and November when temperatures are between 20 °C and 30°C。! W+ H+ b* N% p
  科威特城的平均气温是46.9 °C。你想去参观这座城市的话,三月四月和十月十一月是个明智的选择,这四个月的平均气温在20~30度之间。1 `7 p) _8 J; ?
  2. Ahwaz, Iran 阿瓦兹 伊朗
, j( N' A+ e' \; Z- G  The temperatures are more extreme in this city as opposed to Kuwait City. The hottest month ever was July 2000 when temperatures reached 48.1 °C (average)。6 i* P/ a% s- A9 u) ]/ c0 k" P8 C
  相对于科威特城,阿瓦兹的温度更加极端。2000年7月份是阿瓦兹史上最热的一个月,平均气温达到了48.1 °C!
* X8 Z5 l( Q5 A3 r3 T7 E
  3. Jizan City, Saudia Arabia 季赞市 沙特阿拉伯7 h( r" P0 S/ }" o. ^, j
  This is a port city on the Red Sea cost. It has a population of little less than 2 million. The temperatures are consistently hot throughout the year. From April through to October temperatures average around 30 °C and 40°C。0 L' V, c, M6 k. t3 H
+ t1 n( P- D0 \  4. Bangkok, Thailand 曼谷 泰国2 ~, p: Z- }" v( ~( m
  This is a city that faces extreme air pollution which causes smog. The pollution is known to trap hot air with the city, causing extreme humidity. The temperatures are on average 40°C and stay that way throughout the day. November to February is known to be the driest time of the year, yet the most visited as well。5 r! m, b0 e+ a9 f- \
: ~* D3 N3 V2 t' T( }
  5. Aziziya, Libya 阿兹兹亚 利比亚' `+ h$ I& P- n) m# Y
  This city recorded a whopping 57.8°C on September 13, 1922. The city is located in the Sahara Desert, the largest in the world and the driest。
; Y4 T" I; a% Y1 k6 X2 g  1922年9月13日,这座城市的温度达到了难以置信的57.8°C! 这座城市坐落于撒哈拉沙漠,是世界上最大也是最干燥的城市。* F8 W3 R+ X5 D* Z- _
  6. Illizi, Algeria 伊尔利兹 阿尔及利亚
: h$ C0 h! l. F) J- v2 l3 H  On August 18, 2011, this city recorded a temperature of 51°C. This is part of the hot season which lasts from April to November。
/ V4 N$ ~. p* n7 [0 U  d2 W  2011年8月18日,伊尔利兹的温度创纪录达到了51°C。每年的4月到11月都是非常炎热的。  z2 N0 d. c4 Z; x0 z; F4 W6 c5 e; n
  7. Mecca, Saudi Arabia 麦加 沙特阿拉伯
  e9 X$ `5 v8 J- M3 N  This is the most visited city for people of the Muslim faith. Muslims make a pilgrimage(the Hajj) at least once in their lifetime to the city to visit the largest mosque in the world. Thetemperatures here have risen as high as 37°C and have peaked at 43°C during most Junes.There is little or no rain in this city, as only 10-12 days are raining in the city。
, J: f7 x) I+ G! i3 f: W) N  麦加是拥有穆斯林信仰的人们最常去的城市。穆斯林一生中至少有一次要去世界上最大的清真寺朝圣。麦加的6月份温度能够达到37°C并且最热的时候会有43°C。这里几乎不下雨,每年只有10~12天的降雨。$ K1 x  y5 v2 z/ r! F
  8. Marrakech, Morocco 马拉柯什 摩洛哥' @" @4 \, g% \& _1 f* R4 S- ]8 e
  The weather changes drastically throughout the year. The lowest temperatures are seenthroughout winter in the months of January and February. There is also a great deal of rainfallduring these months. During the summer the climate changes to warmer with hightemperatures reaching up to 38°C。5 O1 O5 l$ |" c- H- P
  马拉柯什的气候变化非常巨大。每年的一月二月是最冷的季节。与此同时也有大量的降雨。而在夏天,气候会变暖,最高温度能够达到38°C。+ q/ ]! @- w- g* c. k7 C
  9. Las Vegas, Nevada 拉斯维加斯 美国内华达州
1 `4 |/ W: W' g- @4 H' C$ q  This city is in the middle of the desert. Many of those who live in Las Vegas also live upNorth. Las Vegas is usually their winter residence in order to get away from the snow.Temperatures peak at 35°C in this city in the month of July. The hottest day was recorded onJuly 24, 1985 at 46.7°C
+ z2 x" n8 p! b  P# n! m8 |  拉斯维加斯位于沙漠中央。大多数拉斯维加斯的居民通常在美国北部居住,冬天的时候回到拉斯维加斯过冬。这座城市7月的温度高达35°C。1985年7月24日的温度46.7°C,是历史最高气温。+ ?. S1 O( q1 ?7 G) |
  10. Dallol, Ethiopia:宽干谷 埃塞俄比亚
& B2 p4 P7 w8 S5 h& S" n6 H9 k  The country is located near the equator but is largely mountainous. The highesttemperature to be recorded in the city was 48.9°C。6 Y# q3 G( \+ N! ]3 o
  埃塞俄比亚靠近赤道,但是拥有很多山区。宽干谷的历史最高气温是48.9°C。2 N: r( }$ N$ T' q7 z
0 ]. t$ z2 K8 f3 a3 ^2 ^


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